About CrD
Our ambition with this Creator Doctus project (co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union) is to enable Higher Arts Education Institutions in all countries signed up to the Bologna Declaration to be able to independently enter into the 3rd Cycle level with an award recognised at the same level of, and equivalent to, PhD.
Aims of the project
- To facilitate the implementation of the 3rd cycle in those countries in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) where no such provision currently exists.
- To further interrogate existing artistic research methodologies towards new and innovative approaches.
- To identify good practice in developing and supporting artistic research in institutions that currently have limited or no experience in this arena.
- To foster the development of comparable, yet distinctive creative models of artistic research practice putting enhancement of career opportunities centre stage.
- A framework for a 3rd Cycle award/model for Higher Arts Education (HAE);
- An international database of best practice in 3rd Cycle awards in HAE;
- An book on research in HAE;
- Training programmes for teachers, employers and research students;
- A position paper for research in HAE.

Davids’ workshops will take place in the framework of the recently opened Werksalon in the Van Abbemuseum.