École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris-Cergy (Paris, France)

Founded in Cergy-Pontoise, near Paris, in the 1970s, imprinted by the pioneering spirit of the Université de Vincennes and the new cities that surround it and destined to change art education, the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC) has been inventing, experimenting, and innovating for four decades. Today ENSAPC is on the cutting edge, producing artists and creatives of international renown.

Determinedly cross-disciplinary, ENSAPC is conceived as a laboratory of artistic practice, standing out as springboard for creative and intellectual production. To nurture a critical approach to contemporary challenges, the school is nimble, responsive, and alert to new fields of knowledge that invite the exploration of new territory.


A locus of sharing and seeking, ENSAPC is explicitly oriented to training committed and assertive artistic personalities. Its student-centered “à la carte” approach to curriculum encourages students to take proactive stances, drawing out the dynamism and autonomy that are essential qualities for anyone wishing to become an artist, author, designer, director, or other form of creator. ENSAPC’s offerings span a wide spectrum of disciplines in the visual arts, writing, film, and the performing arts. Under the guidance of exacting artists and theoreticians, pedagogical projects are conceived and carried out in close coordination with artistic and creative institutions and organizations at the highest levels, both public and private, in France and abroad. The resulting interface with the professional world allows emerging artists to establish their reputations while still in school and helps launch them into careers as soon as they graduate.

Today, artistic research is an integral part of the Master’s programme, bringing together theoretical reflection, practice and experimentation. Aiming to be at the forefront of current developments, ENSAPC has also engaged in setting up, together with its partners from the “Université Paris Seine”, a new PhD programme based on practice-led research.

Institute website


Nina Volz
