May 20—May 21
2018 Conference at Athens School of Arts in Greece

The first CrD-conference on 20 and 21 May 2019 presented 3rd cycle models from various countries and facilitated a discussion between the 3rd cycle students and their supervisors. Two inspiring keynote speakers (Carole Gray and Olav Westphalen) were invited. During the conference the international database of best practice in 3rd Cycle awards in Higher Arts Education was launched.


MONDAY 20 May 2019

Venue: Circuits and Currents, 13, Notara & Tositsa Str., 10683 Athens

09.30 -10.00

10.00 – 10.15
Welcome word by Jeroen Boomgaard, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, project coordinator CrD-project

Welcome word by Zafos Xagoraris, ASFA, conference host and CrD-partner

10.15 – 10.45
Introduction of the CrD-project by Lars Ebert (EQ-Arts)

10.45 – 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 – 11.45
Keynote speech 1: Carole Gray

Carole Gray is an artist, researcher and higher education consultant. She will give a keynote speech based on her new book chapter The ‘Epistemic Object’ in the Creative Process of Doctoral Inquiry.

“Within the framework of practice-led doctoral research in the Art and Design sector, there has long been debate about the role of the artefact/creative works in the process of inquiry and in the final submission for Ph.D. examination. I want to suggest an alternative way of considering the role of artefacts/creative works in a doctoral submission, by discussing the liberating concept of ‘epistemic objects’ – their possible forms and agencies, and the alternative display/sharing of the understandings generated from these through ‘exposition’ not exhibition.”

11.45 – 12.00

Q&A with Carole Gray

12.00 – 13.00
3rdCycle student presents research followed by a moderated talk between the students and the supervisor (example from the Netherlands)

Student: Yael Davids

Supervisor: Sher Doruff

Moderator: Mika Elo

13.00 -14.30
Networking Lunch

14.30 – 15.30

3rdCycle student presents research followed by a moderated talk between the students and the supervisors (example from Lithuania)

Student: Arnas Anskaitis

Supervisors: Vytautas Michelkevicius & Konstantinas Bogdanas

Moderator: Mika Elo

15.30 – 15.45
Coffee Break

15.45 – 16.45

3rdCycle student presents research followed by a moderated talk between the students and the supervisors from Greece

Student: Theodoros Giannakis

Supervisors: Assimina Kaniari, D.Phil Oxford (Art History), Assistant Professor in Art History, Athens School of Fine Arts, Zafos Xagoraris, PhD NTU Athens, Professor in the Department of Visual Arts, Athens School of Fine Arts.

Moderator: Georgios Papadopoulos, PhD Erasmus University Rotterdam.

16.45 – 17.15
Speaker Maria Hansen (Executive Director ELIA) from the Advancing Supervision Consortium presents the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project

17.15 Closing of the day by Jeroen Boomgaard, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, project coordinator CrD-project

17.30 Reception


TUESDAY 21 May 2019

Venue: ASFA Pireos Street Campus

9.30 – 10.15
Keynote speech 2: Olav Westphalen

Departing from his own academic and artistic practice, the presentation will address the complex relationship between art making and research, and asks how artistic research as well as artistic PhD programs can help produce relevant art. He will focus on a recent artistic research project on covert comedy which intentionally pushed the boundaries of what can be considered research, as well as on the ongoing, interdisciplinary dialogue between the Royal Institute of Art (RAI) in Stockholm and the Swedish Polar Research Station which he initiated 8 years ago. Olav will further discuss his experience on the Research Councils of the RAI as well as the University of the Arts Stockholm, and the types of debates that led to the formulation of both institutions idiosyncratic research programs in the context of the Swedish educational landscape. He will also discuss the model of the practice-based, artistic PhD in the Swedish context which he has seen evolve over the years.

10.15 – 10.30


10.30 – 11.15
How the Norwegian art universities moved to secure a national third cycle

Johan Haarberg (University of Bergen) will give a presentation on the Norwegian 3rdcycle modelwhich is recognized as a PhD.

From his position as Executive Director at SAR (Society Artistic Research) he will give an introduction on how to use the Research Catalogue as a research tool for individual researchers and institutional purpose.

11.15 – 11.30
Coffee Break

Official launch and presentation of the database on 3rdcycle models, the 1stintellectual output of the project, by Henry Rogers and Fiona Jardine (Glasgow School of Art)

Recap of the 2-days conference by observers Karen Harsbo (Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts) and David Quigley (Merz Akademie) from the CrD Consortium.

Closing by Lars Ebert (EQ-Arts): next steps in the CrD-project


 13.30 optional tour to the studios on the ASFA Pireos street Campus